January 8 to February 29, 2020

Presented in conjunction with Master Drawings New York

DAVID TO POLLOCK: Selected Master Drawings


David to Pollock presents seven important master drawings, each composition a study of the figure in a context unique to the culture and art of drawing at the time of its making. Works by Francois Quesnel, Luigi Sabatelli, Paul Borel, Jacques-Louis David, Maurice Denis, Pierre Bonnard, and Jackson Pollock reveal the dynamic range of drawing as the preeminent expressive discipline to study human thought.

18th & 19th Century Natural History, Garden Plans & Barbara Regina Dietzsch

A second show in the back gallery features eight Natural History gouache paintings by Barbara Regina Dietzsch (Nuremburg, 1706-1783), Studies of a Lemon by Vicenzo Leonardi (Rome, c. 1590-1646), left, two watercolors – a quince and an apple – by Anthelme-Eugene Grobon (French, 1820 - 1878) and garden plans by Leon Dufourney (French, 1754-1818), François Leonard Seheult (French, 1771-1840) and Jean Baptiste Plantar (French, 1790-1879).