Glenn Goldberg Sharon Horvath Sachiko Morita Antonia Munroe Carl Palazzolo Yamou

responding to botanical paintings by

September 18 to November 23, 2019

barbara regina Dietzsch (1706-1783)


This exhibition presents recent work by Glenn Goldberg, Sharon Horvath, Sachiko Morita, Antonia Munroe, Carl Palazzolo and Abderrahim Yamou each responding to the exquisite botanical paintings of Barbara Regina Dietzsch (Nuremberg, 1706-1783). The installation places Dietzsch’s singular portraits of flowers side by side among the individual styles and techniques of the five contemporary painters and one photographer. The cross-century dialogue among their artistic sensibilities and technical mediums offers a fresh look at the inspiration of natural history painting in the artistic imagination. Contemplating Dietzsch’s luminous flower paintings, these six artists swerve slightly from their own paths to take in Dietzsch’s extraordinary practice of natural history painting.